Christine’s Choreography at the Kiefhoek 

During my residency at the Kiefhoek I looked into the first publications of magazine ‘de Stijl’ organized by Theo van Doesburg. I developed a work about ‘laundry’ in the context of the museum house in the social neighbourhood the Kiefhoek at Rotterdam South. The architect J.J.P Oud was one of the first architects designing a social neighbourhood financed by the local government. The text I wrote is inspired by how he navigated this household task within the house. The neighbourhood is a worldwide celebrated architectural monument. However in the Netherlands J.J.P Oud’s work is less valued.

The residence was during Rotterdam Architecture Month and organized by Urban Guides. The project was in collaboration with OMI, Woonstad and the Chabot Museum. It was financed by fonds Amarte, Woonstad and Cultuur Concreet.

foto by Tinus and Beb de Does


funded by Fonds Amarte, Urban Guids, Woonstad en Cultuur Concreet